Friday, May 23, 2014

"helpful americans"

sometimes they might have change or other highly insulting amounts as they think that's what the life of a struggling person is worth for the purpose of continued persecution and once in a blue mood someone might be crazy enough to toss more but what they have in common is this- although anything extra might be nice, against the overall culture and terrorist tactics of American society these virtually worthless if not nasty "fine target persecution deeds"  continue to leave one in the same or a lot worse minus zone. the society of persecution terrorist tactics and crime consistently and continuously finds itself in the right when it targets, bullies, abuses the degradeds and assists to making them targets of system. these folks will be there with candy bar expired trash or some other insult which makes their selves feel good and or help their kind make its own business but the real significant funds will never make it into the hands of the destitute. some of these folks can be persecuted and framed for life for the benefit of system and business which destroys tickets fines swindles sickens puts in jails and nut houses persecutes with abuse and insults commits crimes against or assists crimes against and does anything but produce real help needed to affect the justice. this is true because the system benefits from the abused in direct and indirect ways and most definitely does not care virtually not at all into making a turnaround. the purpose is to pretend something is being done but who suffers or dies at its hands is irrelevant because these folks directly back the malicious inducement created and not only not help - their purpose is repeatedly about helping you sink and die while passing selves "as fine charitable persons, organizations, and volunteers." the reality is - they do not want you better or more able to protect your rights - they want you worse helpless and gone. that is the essence of America.